Monday, October 8, 2012


We are back home. My travel laptop mysteriously failed on hols, so now I have a zillion fotoes to sort out. To help myself through it, I'm aiming to blog a section of the trip every day or so. I hope this does not overwhelm the long-suffering reader.

We started in Boulder. The advantages of accommodations in the cheap seats are mountain views and relatively delayed sunset.

View from Boulder

Sunday Brunch may be eaten in Longmont when Boulder is too busy, but a walk in the park can not burn off a significant number of the calories gained. Notice how my friends don't stop to let me take photos. Their reward is immortalisation of their buttocks.
Longmont park

People in America don't seem to photograph their food like we do in Japan, but some of it is still quite pretty. It's not all burgers and fries. Tripadvisor is your friend.
TenTen supper

Boulder has Boris Bikes!
Boulder Boris Bikes

Boulder people are rich, so there are lots of nice shops, but the large distance between shops is a bit alarming for someone from Japan.
REI and cyclist
Americans like to exert peer pressure by publicly shouting at people who are not conforming. After I took this lovely photo some middle aged porky bloke wearing shorts and three Che Guevaras on his T-shirt shouted at me from way across the parking lot that noone would ever take such a photo. What sadly limited imagination...


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