All Scottish roads are narrow and wiggly. This is because the Romans couldn't cope with the climate or the locals. Thus the inlaws couldn't imagine how we planned to drive hundreds of miles a day. But it didn't take too long before they began to understand.

Wyoming too was being extremely green, which added a new dimension to the minimalist design of the state.
For some of the afternoon there was only one dwelling in view. It is not unheard of for a British castle to be relocated, but in such cases the appropriate phrase applied to the procedure is is "brick-by-brick". Not so in Wyoming.

The house was not travelling slowly enough to delay us much, and we reached Thermopolis late afternoon. I tried to explain that "as Blackpool is to Disneyland, Thermopolis is to Yellowstone", but I don't think that any of my travelling companions had visited either Blackpool or Disneyland. So instead, in order to avoid their future disappointment, I lied and told them that Yellowstone had nothing on Thermopolis. It is after all, home of the world's largest hot mineral spring! Here it is.

Dinner was Wyoming leopard pie back at the hotel.
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