Nice marmot

Oh, OK, here are more pixels of marmot (crop from above pik)...

*it's how the Americans pronounce "glacier"
It is the same place as the other pix. Starbucks is on the left. I don't need to ask what kind of car this is, as it was clearly labelled with "E Series Jaguar" on the back.
They were flowering about a month ago, but at that time there were all those mountain photos that needed to be posted...
Preying in the evening
James sends me out into the mosquito infested swamps for bug-safari, but when I return and show him the photos he dismisses them as "just insects". I wonder what he expected. These are about 6 cm long. Sneaking up on them was intereting. It made me feel a bit more like a hunter-gatherer and a bit less like a 21st century consumer.
Actually there is another mountain picture. It seems that a number of insecty things fly to the mountain peaks especially to mate. Nice location for a sex-holiday I suppose. The swallowtail butterflies seemed to be at it on one peak, and on another a swarm of massive ladybirds (~1cm) were doing their thing.
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